“Coming down the mountain …” when we return from a retreat, or from any experience where we encounter Jesus, where we meet with the Father and are filled with the Holy Spirit, and then we have to return to life, to go back to our daily routine where the world remains the same as we left it before our encounter with God.
“If they only knew …” if they could understand where we are, what we have found and what they so easily reject when we start talking about it. We want to keep the same enthusiasm, but, somehow, the world wants to dominate us, to teach us that this Jesus we so much love, is not someone we need to be talking about, to bring us down from the spiritual high we got up the mountain, to put us back to the norm, the bad habits, the worldly worries and the empty promises we were so certain we could fight off, and we start walking through life with the memory, little by little more distant in our mind, of what it was like to spend a weekend in communion with Jesus, to be filled with the Holy Spirit, to encounter God so clearly in our brothers.
“Our brothers,” yes, they know, they understand what it is like because we lived it together. We were one by the time we were coming back, but in the distance, we start to wonder if we have anything in common with them, other than that special experience, we don’t even know them, but we do! We know something of them, that is greater than worldly knowledge of what they do or where they live, and that becomes so clear when we run into one of them or when we meet at church or at a reunion again, and we are brought back to what we experienced, it becomes alive in us again, we have a bit of a spiritual high again because we know what we lived is true, we know the Lord is with us and when two or more gather together in His name, He really is in our midst and we can feel it with our brothers, we feel the Holy Spirit dwelling among us in our prayer, in our talk, in our hugs and handshakes. We take strength to go back and continue fighting the culture, doing God’s work, keeping up with our prayer time, with our effort in getting to know our Father. We gain strength in our faith by meeting our brothers and we keep going until we meet again.
The Men’s Faith Group is a monthly meeting that fulfills that goal, we meet, we talk, we sign, eat, pray, we listen to talks, some on Theology, some on practical aspects of our faith, some occasional fun jeopardy games, and so on; regularly all say it loud and clear, we go for the fellowship primarily, to encounter our brothers and continue growing in our faith through the communion with them. It is an invaluable time together, the highlight of the month, until we meet again…
Everyone is welcomed to the Men’s Faith Group on the first Thursday of every month, regardless of past experiences or where we are in our faith path. The brotherhood in Christ is real. Sharpening each other as iron sharpens iron, we hold ourselves accountable, we grow together in our love for God and for each other, we pick each other up if we are down or celebrate together when things are up, always keeping centered in Christ’s love, bringing the power of God’s love in our midst, until we meet again …